Please find below the presentations made during the workshop.
Please note that the presentations made are also availbable in the form of PDFs when you click on the title.
Welcome and Introduction (PDF) by Rémi CARDINAEL (CIRAD)
The CLAND Convergence Institute (PDF) by Philippe CIAIS (LSCE)
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (PDF) by Hayden MONTGOMERY (GRA)
The 4 per 1000 Initiative (PDF) by Paul LUU (4P1000)
Biophysical land-use-climate interactions in low-emissions scenarios (PDF) by Sonia SENEVIRATNE (ETHZ)
A review of CO2-equivalent metrics for surface albedo change in land management contexts (PDF) by Ryan BRIGHT (NIBIO)
Prioritizing conservation and restoration based on the overall climatic value of forests (PDF) by Edouard DAVIN (ETHZ)
Crops, albedo and climate impact from a life cycle perspective (PDF) by Petra SIEBER (SLU)
Land surface albedo at high spatial resolution from a merging of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data; analysis of times series at landscape scale and validation (PDF) by Jean-Louis ROUJEAN (CNRS)
Shall we consider biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects to prioritize changes in cropland management in a perspective of climate change mitigation? (PDF) by Eric CESCHIA (INRAE) and Morgan FERLICOQ (CESBIO)
A (pale) green revolution for the ‘Green deal’ (PDF) by Emanuele LUGATO (JRC)
Biochar and albedo: facts and perspectives (PDF) by Lorenzo GENESIO (IBE-CNR)
Global biophysical climate change induced by bioenergy crop plantation by Philippe CIAIS (LSCE)
Forest management cools the Earth! Did it? Will it? (PDF) by Sebastiaan LUYSSAERT (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Aude VALADE (CIRAD)